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hurl (continuous) abuse, insults, etc. at someone 连续辱骂某人(to shout insults or rude language at someone angrily)
【例句: I wasn't going to stand there while he hurled abuse at me!】
put my hands over my ears 捂住耳朵
sworn enemy 死敌,死对头
gamble away everything 什么都赌光了
cotognata 苹果冻
vise 老虎钳
provolone 菠罗夫洛干酪(就像悬挂起来的葫芦)
mortadella 意式肉肠
physiognomy 面相学,看脸,看相
crate (尤指分隔开用于装瓶子的)板条箱,货箱
gaunt (尤指由于疾病或饥饿)瘦削的,骨瘦如柴的,憔悴的, 荒凉的
all the xxx, A in the lead 在所有xxx中,A领头
put upon 被利用的,被使唤的,被愚弄的(having to do more than is fair in order to allow other people to get what they want in a situation)
【例句:I don't mind helping them, but I can't help feeling a little put upon.我不介意帮他们,但难免感到有点被利用了。】
concern oneself with somebody 关心某人(to busy someone with someone or something; to worry someone with thoughts of someone or something)
【例句:I hope Jennifer does not concern herself with this matter. /Try to concern him with something other than his work.】
of no concern 无关紧要,没有意义
cockades 帽章,帽徽;帽上的花结
smock dress 女式罩衣
primer 启蒙读本
spinning top 陀螺
spin like a top 像陀螺一样旋转
resole 换鞋底
【例句:I'm having my old winter boots resoled and repolished.我在给我的旧的冬靴换鞋底和上蜡。】
intuit 凭直觉感到
【例句:He intuited that I was worried about the situation.】
urge somebody on 鼓励,激励,为(某人)加油
limp 缓慢进行,艰难移动
【例句:The little boat limped slowly towards the shore.】

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