自考英语-Remaining Active
2024-02-25 08:00  浏览:4170  搜索引擎搜索“手机低淘网”
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Our body is an amazing obeject. The more you ask of it, the more it can do. If you are inacitve most of the time, your body will quickly become tired when it should be active. But if you are very active, your body will get used to the hard work, and the work will become easier for you to do.

Physical activity can help people remain active and stay healthy. It helps the body fight off illness. It also helps people sleep better. This is why active students don't complain about being tired. They have a good night's sleep and have the energy to study hard and have fun every day.

Physical activity also makes people look and feel good. Activity burns more calories than just sitting. It is very important to keep a healthy weight. In addition, regular exercise can make your muscles bones stronger.

There are many factors to look at when you select a new physical activity. The most important is to choose something you enjoy. If you like jumping rope, that is the activity you should do. But you don't have to do the same thing everyday. In fact, two days of basketball, three days of swimming, and two days of bicycling can be more fun than jogging every day.

Different activities need different kills. Some kills will improve with practice while other may always be diffifult for you. If you enjoy an activity, feel free to do it. No one cares whether you can do it well or not, and you don't need to care about it either.

Whatever activity you choose, remain active. It can make you physically fit and healthy for life.

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